That’s one question that will drag many pizza lovers to lengthy discussions and disagreements. Despite America’s love of pizza, Italians have long held the imposing boast of being the source of world’s favorite food. Some people may insist that Italians are wrong about pizza’s origin, but they’re not entirely wrong about that. They’ve got the tomato part right. Pizza was created by the Italians—or maybe by the Greeks, who brought it to Naples, but let’s not pile on the bad news. Right now pizza rightly belongs to us. We care more about it. We eat more of it! We appreciate it at dinner, at lunch, and at breakfast.
Pizza isn’t as fundamental to Italy as it is to America. In Italy, pizza occupies a less important role to pasta, risotto, and polenta. To be honest, I think they could do without it. Not us. Over here, it’s one of the few foreign foods we’ve embraced wholeheartedly and made it entirely our own.
The simple truth is that pizza in its most original form—cheese, tomato, crust—is perfect. It’s good for vegetarians, even though it contains no vegetables. It’s good for us meat eaters, not because we don’t care much for vegetables but also for the reason that it is one of the few foods where the absence of meat isn’t missed. Though, when I think about it, a little sausage never hurts, especially if it’s crumbled up rather than sliced. Pizza is a healthy treat that even the strictest mother wouldn’t disagree that it’s good for kids. It’s the most versatile delivery food, because it reheats much better than Chinese, and if you accidentally burn it, pizza is still good. Most importantly, pizza gives pepperoni a reason to exist.
No matter what they say about pizza’s origin, American or not, we simply love it! That is why Bella Pizza is here to fulfill your cravings and everyone else’s. Bella Pizza does its best to prepare only the tastiest pizza made from freshest savoring Italian ingredients. In the end, there is no going back once you’ve tried a Bella Pizza, no frozen product will ever stimulate your taste buds the way a Bella Pizza will – one bite will explain why!
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